Attention City Hall!
When I moved to Vallejo in 2014, and discovered the
deplorable condition of Independence Park, I asked a lot of people what to
do. All roads led to Joe Callahan, who,
when we spoke by phone, confirmed his development deal with the city was
connected to beautifying Independence Park.
He explained, however, that because the economy was so bad, he couldn’t
go ahead with the plans, which made sense in 2014.
Evidently, times have changed, and Mr. Callahan now
proposes a big development plan on the waterfront, residential and commercial, including
two parks.
So, what about Independence Park, Mr. Callahan? We’re calling in our chips. A deal is a deal. You get to develop the waterfront, you give
us the park. A beautiful one, as befits
its place in the city.(written from my new home in San Francisco)