carol's kitchen

Tuesday, July 26, 2016



The many layers to the Orcem/VMT Scary-Tale inspired a 3-tiered cake, rising from nourishing flour to deadly cement, picking up sacks of gold on the way and erupting in four fat cats.  The myriad hidden layers contain the tale of a beautiful waterfront transformed by a monster-destroyer that wants to rob the city of its future.  The four figures who dominate the scene ride high on their creation, enticing us to partake of their cement cake that will poison all who come near. 


© 2016 Flora & Howard Zolin – Vallejo: Artists/Creators
           Carol Pearlman - Vallejo: Scribe/Political Consultant

Friday, July 01, 2016


Kudos to the organizers of Sacto MoFo food trucks Wednesday for hitting the bull’s eye on an activity that finally brings the community together.  Art hasn’t done it.  Politics don’t cut it.  No cultural event I’ve seen in this town has done it.   

Music would do it if done right: free outdoor evening concerts when the weather is right --  jazz, blues, hip hop, rock and roll -- might rouse otherwise reluctant citizens.  But when it comes to food, Vallejoans proved yesterday they’re willing and able to show up in numbers for their burritos and tacos, burgers and dogs – and a real good time was had by all. 

I joined the crowd around 5 o'clock on the downtown waterfront for an early dinner on the grass, served up by amiable vendors with colorful vehicles, and not only did I enjoy a tasty, juicy meal of pork belly tacos with apple slaw, I got to see and schmooze with folks of all ages from all over Vallejo.

I will not think about Roi Choi's celebrated Korean tacos or the other gourmet fusion cuisines from the trucks I loved so much in L.A.; I will not.  I will be here now.  It was a wonderful event and I look forward to the next one.