carol's kitchen

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Women in the Military

No!  This may sound old-fashioned, but I've got to say I believe this is wrong.  Women don't want war, so why would we go out & fight in them?  I don't like to see men go to war either.  They have much better jobs to do at home as husbands & fathers.  Our job as women should be to persuade them not to go to war.  I tell my grandson, "never be a soldier."  I'll tell the same thing to my little grand daughter. 

Women - don't go to war, stay out of the army, don't fight.  Stay home and teach your children not to go to war.  War is for killing & being killed.  Let's stop that.

And while I'm on the subject, let's get rid of all the guns.  Hunters & athletic marksmen should have to keep their weapons in depositories & only be able to take them out upon proof of legitimate use.  Frankly, I don't think there should be any legitimate use.  If you want to be a marksman, pick up a bow & arrow, or play darts.

How about that!