carol's kitchen

Friday, January 15, 2010


Took myself out for sushi at Hirozen last night. Sat at the bar & asked the master to prepare anything he wanted. I love everything, I said. He smiled. Then I turned to see what my neighbors were eating & we fell into conversation. The man next to me was a Guatemalan who was flying to Spain for business the next day. We agreed Up in the Air was a depressing movie. He told me he’s married. I didn’t ask why he was dining alone. The couple next to him said they ate at this restaurant once a week; we all agreed it was one of the best in LA.

The chef handed me plate after plate of different kinds of sushi – twelve all in all; I ate slowly, savoring every flavor & nuance, kept praising and thanking him. He was inspired. When I tasted the fresh sardine sushi I moaned and rolled my eyes. Everyone at the bar said, “I’ll have what she’s having.”

I left the restaurant reminded of why I travel alone.

These days I’m experiencing a keen awareness of my fine, soft bed sheets. I lie in my bed and luxuriate in the cool, clean feeling that surrounds my body, the delicious comfort of my mattress and the fresh breeze coming through my window, knowing that soon all this will change. My sheets will be rough & sometimes questionable; I’ll feel hot and sweaty, the air will have a smoky, pungent odor, I won’t be able to drink water from the tap, walk around barefoot without checking the floor, flip on the TV, surf the internet, drive to the gym, talk on my cell phone & read my emails.

It’s why I travel. Not that I like to be uncomfortable, but to break up my habits, re-discover myself, become aware of the world around me.

Setting out tomorrow night; first stop: India. So excited I can hardly sit still.

I’m trying out my new email moniker so next time you receive an email from the lady upstairs you’ll know it’s from me.



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